If you have not seen them yet, here they are! New York interior designer Katie Ridder recently launched wallpaper seen here. It is just as fun, whimsical and color- fabulous as her interiors. You know her look by exotic accents, embroidered and architectural details with great color pairings. Her papers are available at Holland and Sherry in New York, DC and Chicago, and the newly opened Harbinger in Almont Yard in Los Angeles, that is owned by Lucas Studio's Joe Lucas and Parrish Chilcoat.
Are fabrics soon to follow? I really hope so.
Adorable boats floating along
An Ottoman influenced flower
Men in waiting brightly
A bird in a pendant perches on a branch
Playful seaweed sways in the water

Seaweed in Green

Seaweed in Blue

Seaweed in Pink

Seaweed in Lavender

Seaweed in Orange

Peony in Orange

Peony in Purple

Peony in Pink

Peony in Blue

Leaf in Cream

Leaf in Chocolate

Leaf in Blue

Leaf in Orange
Are fabrics soon to follow? I really hope so.
Adorable boats floating along
An Ottoman influenced flower
Men in waiting brightly
A bird in a pendant perches on a branch
Playful seaweed sways in the water
Seaweed in Green
Seaweed in Blue
Seaweed in Pink
Seaweed in Lavender
Seaweed in Orange
Ridder's signature peony in colorful hues not often seen in nature
Peony in Orange
Peony in Purple
Peony in Pink
Peony in Blue
A large stylized leaf with a scale pattern brings Uzbekistan fabrics to mind
Leaf in Cream
Leaf in Chocolate
Leaf in Blue
Leaf in Orange